ClassNotes helps students prepare their FBISE examinations and standardised tests. We want to provide the best user experience of studying online and increase the efficiency of preparing board examinations of FBISE students all across the world. Our users can now get everything that they loved, and even more, about ClassNotes all on their mobile phones.
Get the best notes, past papers and exam preparation resources for FBISE, NTS, GRE, GMAT, GAT and entry test of different universities including NUST, FAST, GIKI, LUMS and more.
Prepare the board examinations of the following subjects from the best notes on the market:
■ English
■ Urdu
■ Islamiat
■ Physics
■ Chemistry
■ Biology
■ Pakistan Studies
■ Computer Science
■ Mathematics
You can also now use the premium features of MCQs and Flashcards to prepare your exams. We have also added General Knowledge portion for you guys so you can prepare for CSS and ISSB as well.
So what are you waiting for? Download ClassNotes now to ace your FBISE examinations, entry tests and more.